Turks and Caicos Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands

Climate Zone and Historical Data

Major Cities in Turks and Caicos Islands

City Climate Zone Average Temp (°C/°F) Precipitation (mm/in)
Back Salina As 27.04 / 80.67 98.28 / 3.87
Balfour Town As 28.52 / 83.34 103.65 / 4.08
Bambarra As 28.86 / 83.95 104.89 / 4.13
Blue Hills Settlements As 28.2 / 82.76 102.48 / 4.03
Bottle Creek Settlements As 27.71 / 81.88 100.72 / 3.97
Cockburn Harbour As 28.27 / 82.89 102.76 / 4.05
Cockburn Town As 26.78 / 80.2 97.32 / 3.83
Conch Bar As 28.16 / 82.69 102.36 / 4.03
Five Cays Settlement As 28.79 / 83.82 104.63 / 4.12
Grand Turk As 26.33 / 79.39 95.7 / 3.77
Greenwich As 26.74 / 80.13 97.19 / 3.83
Kew As 28.81 / 83.86 104.69 / 4.12
Lorimers As 26.42 / 79.56 96.01 / 3.78
Salt Cay As 28.81 / 83.86 104.73 / 4.12
Sandy Point As 28.69 / 83.64 104.26 / 4.1
The Bight Settlements As 26.94 / 80.49 97.92 / 3.86
West Road As 26.84 / 80.31 97.55 / 3.84
Whitby As 28.35 / 83.03 103.02 / 4.06
Yankee Town As 28.01 / 82.42 101.81 / 4.01

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