Mipande, Cabo Delgado, Mozambique Climate

Weather: 23.45°C/74.21°F, Wind SW at 3.86 km/h, 80% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain

(Photo by John Waco,jr on Unsplash)

Mipande Climate Summary

Located at an elevation of 17.21 meters (56.46 feet) above sea level, Mipande has a Tropical wet and dry or savanna climate (Classification: Aw). The district’s yearly temperature is 25.51ºC (77.92ºF) and it is -0.11% lower than Mozambique’s averages. Mipande typically receives about 124.22 millimeters (4.89 inches) of precipitation and has 132.67 rainy days (36.35% of the time) annually.

Country Mozambique
City Cabo Delgado
Longitude 40.4429239
Latitude -12.2258697
Attitude/Elevation 17.21m (56.46ft)
Local time Friday 13:28
Annual high temperature 29.26ºC (84.67ºF)
Annual low temperature 18.37ºC (65.07ºF)
Average annual precip. 124.22mm (4.89in)
Warmest month November (33.5ºC / 92.3ºF)
Coldest Month July (15.13ºC / 59.23ºF)
Wettest Month January (427.16mm / 16.82in)
Driest Month August (3.58mm / 0.14in)
Number of days with rainfall (≥ 1.0 mm) 132.67 days (36.35%)
Days with no rain 232.33 days (63.65%)
Humidity 72.2%

Climate Mipande: Weather By Month

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Nov Oct Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 35.38(95.68) 32.43(90.37) 31.45(88.61) 30.46(86.83) 30.46(86.83) 31.45(88.61) 34.39(93.9) 35.38(95.68) 37.34(99.21) 38.33(100.99) 39.31(102.76) 37.34(99.21) 39.31(102.76)
Average high °C (°F) 27.93(82.27) 27.91(82.24) 27.97(82.35) 27.41(81.34) 27.13(80.83) 26.74(80.13) 27.13(80.83) 29.51(85.12) 31.54(88.77) 33.21(91.78) 33.5(92.3) 31.07(87.93) 29.25(84.65)
Daily mean °C (°F) 25.15(77.27) 25.11(77.2) 24.99(76.98) 23.99(75.18) 23.15(73.67) 22.49(72.48) 22.99(73.38) 25.22(77.4) 27.33(81.19) 28.86(83.95) 29.3(84.74) 27.51(81.52) 25.51(77.92)
Average low °C (°F) 20.29(68.52) 20.01(68.02) 19.79(67.62) 18.49(65.28) 16.63(61.93) 15.29(59.52) 15.13(59.23) 16.37(61.47) 17.79(64.02) 19.41(66.94) 20.48(68.86) 20.7(69.26) 18.37(65.07)
Record low °C (°F) 16.71(62.08) 16.71(62.08) 15.72(60.3) 14.74(58.53) 12.78(55.0) 11.79(53.22) 11.79(53.22) 12.78(55.0) 13.76(56.77) 15.72(60.3) 15.72(60.3) 17.69(63.84) 11.79(53.22)
Average precipitation mm (inches) 427.16(16.82) 377.33(14.86) 236.95(9.33) 67.62(2.66) 12.18(0.48) 4.76(0.19) 5.3(0.21) 3.58(0.14) 5.08(0.2) 18.43(0.73) 71.46(2.81) 260.82(10.27) 124.22(4.89)
Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm) 28.14 25.2 24.03 11.79 2.86 1.25 0.89 0.98 1.25 4.11 9.47 22.69 11.06
Average relative humidity (%) 87.29 88.61 88.02 85.18 78.12 71.3 63.5 57.51 55.12 55.74 60.57 75.42 72.2
Mean monthly sunshine hours 9.22 9.36 9.61 9.83 10.86 10.96 11.08 11.19 11.2 11.09 11.0 10.39 10.49

Climate Graph

The chart below shows the mean monthly temperature and precipitation of Mipande in recent years.


Mipande Temperature by Month

29.3°C | 84.74°F
28.86°C | 83.95°F
27.51°C | 81.52°F
27.33°C | 81.19°F
25.22°C | 77.4°F
25.15°C | 77.27°F
25.11°C | 77.2°F
24.99°C | 76.98°F
23.99°C | 75.18°F
23.15°C | 73.67°F
22.99°C | 73.38°F
22.49°C | 72.48°F

Historical Data

  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
Temperature Max Average Min
Max Temperature 30.46°C (86.83°F) 27.55°C (81.59°F) 23.58°C (74.44°F)
Avg Temperature 26.53°C (79.75°F) 24.92°C (76.86°F) 21.62°C (70.92°F)
Min Temperature 21.62°C (70.92°F) 20.11°C (68.2°F) 17.69°C (63.84°F)
Dew Point Max Average Min
Dew Point 22.6°C (72.68°F) 21.69°C (71.04°F) 19.65°C (67.37°F)
Precipitation Max Average Min Sum
Precipitation 45.6mm | 1.8in 8.69mm | 0.34in 0.2mm | 0.01in 243.33mm | 9.58in
Snowdepth 0.0mm | 0in 0.0mm | 0in 0.0mm | 0in 0.0mm | 0in
Wind Max Average Min
Wind 9.83kmh | 6.11mph 6.25kmh | 3.88mph 2.95kmh | 1.83mph
Gust Wind 15.72kmh | 9.77mph 9.83kmh | 6.11mph 3.93kmh | 2.44mph
Sea Level Pressure Max Average Min
Sea Level Pressure 45.6mb 8.69mb 0.2mb

Daily Observations

Time Temperature Dew Point Humidity Wind Speed Pressure Precipitation
February ° C | ° F ° C | ° F % Kph | Mph Hg | Mb Total (mm/in)
2013-02-01 22.6 | 72.68 20.64 | 69.15 96 8.84 | 5.49 29.25 | 990.56 45.6 | 1.8
2013-02-02 24.57 | 76.23 19.65 | 67.37 84 9.83 | 6.11 29.28 | 991.54 3.34 | 0.13
2013-02-03 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 88 8.84 | 5.49 29.31 | 992.53 9.14 | 0.36
2013-02-04 26.53 | 79.75 21.62 | 70.92 85 9.83 | 6.11 29.34 | 993.51 8.06 | 0.32
2013-02-05 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 89 4.91 | 3.05 29.37 | 994.49 12.58 | 0.5
2013-02-06 26.53 | 79.75 22.6 | 72.68 88 2.95 | 1.83 29.4 | 995.48 3.73 | 0.15
2013-02-07 25.55 | 77.99 22.6 | 72.68 90 4.91 | 3.05 29.34 | 993.51 3.34 | 0.13
2013-02-08 25.55 | 77.99 22.6 | 72.68 90 4.91 | 3.05 29.31 | 992.53 2.65 | 0.1
2013-02-09 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 90 3.93 | 2.44 29.31 | 992.53 9.63 | 0.38
2013-02-10 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 93 3.93 | 2.44 29.28 | 991.54 10.42 | 0.41
2013-02-11 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 89 4.91 | 3.05 29.28 | 991.54 4.03 | 0.16
2013-02-12 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 89 4.91 | 3.05 29.28 | 991.54 4.13 | 0.16
2013-02-13 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 92 3.93 | 2.44 29.28 | 991.54 5.9 | 0.23
2013-02-14 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 90 5.9 | 3.67 29.25 | 990.56 9.43 | 0.37
2013-02-15 24.57 | 76.23 22.6 | 72.68 94 7.86 | 4.88 29.25 | 990.56 3.54 | 0.14
2013-02-16 22.6 | 72.68 21.62 | 70.92 99 7.86 | 4.88 29.25 | 990.56 21.13 | 0.83
2013-02-17 24.57 | 76.23 22.6 | 72.68 93 9.83 | 6.11 29.19 | 988.6 10.22 | 0.4
2013-02-18 24.57 | 76.23 22.6 | 72.68 93 7.86 | 4.88 29.19 | 988.6 4.82 | 0.19
2013-02-19 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 90 8.84 | 5.49 29.25 | 990.56 0.98 | 0.04
2013-02-20 24.57 | 76.23 21.62 | 70.92 92 9.83 | 6.11 29.28 | 991.54 0.98 | 0.04
2013-02-21 25.55 | 77.99 21.62 | 70.92 88 8.84 | 5.49 29.25 | 990.56 0.2 | 0.01
2013-02-22 25.55 | 77.99 22.6 | 72.68 90 3.93 | 2.44 29.31 | 992.53 7.27 | 0.29
2013-02-23 25.55 | 77.99 22.6 | 72.68 94 3.93 | 2.44 29.34 | 993.51 8.25 | 0.32
2013-02-24 24.57 | 76.23 22.6 | 72.68 95 5.9 | 3.67 29.34 | 993.51 18.87 | 0.74
2013-02-25 21.62 | 70.92 19.65 | 67.37 91 5.9 | 3.67 29.43 | 996.46 18.18 | 0.72
2013-02-26 21.62 | 70.92 19.65 | 67.37 92 3.93 | 2.44 29.45 | 997.44 1.67 | 0.07
2013-02-27 25.55 | 77.99 20.64 | 69.15 86 2.95 | 1.83 29.43 | 996.46 3.05 | 0.12
2013-02-28 25.55 | 77.99 22.6 | 72.68 92 4.91 | 3.05 29.37 | 994.49 12.19 | 0.48

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